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Operation: All Clear - The Oklahoma City Bombing

Oklahoma City Bombing The Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 was alleged to have been carried-out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols (alone...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Warehouse o' Hobbies

*This is a Sponsored Post*

It may seem to some that, given the theme of this blog, we have a lot of free time on our hands and we spend it in "our own little fantasy world." But it should be obvious by now that regardless of what others think, we are both passionate and serious about the paranormal, cryptozoology, and other, related subjects. But when we do have some spare time, we enjoy passing it much like anyone else.

HobbyWarehouse.com has pretty much everything you can imagine as far as hobbies go - RC parts and supplies, train sets and errata, even blimps and flying saucers! But don't let that fool you; when I say they have everything hobby-related, I mean it! From children's toys to games and collectibles, right down to the lowliest jigsaw puzzle!

Check them out and I guarantee you won't be sorry!

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