But I wanted to say a few things briefly because we've somehow picked-up several new readers and subscribers and I'm very glad! I know I lost interest in this blog a while back (and it used to be one of my favorites) due to all the technical issues we were having with the feed, the URL, and everything else, but I really love being here and discussing these things. With renewed interest, thanks to the redesign and fixing all (?) of the tech issues, I simply haven't been in a position to be here as often as I'd like this past month.
Hopefully all of that is clearing-up, though... hopefully.
So what I am going to be researching for your entertainment and educational (edutainment, infotainment?) pleasure is as follows (in no order):
- Cattle Mutilations
- White River Monster
- USOs and Marine Aliens
- Mad Gassers
- Geophysical Explanations for Paranormal Experiences
- The Most Inane and Ludicrous "Logical" Explanations Forwarded by Skeptics
© C Harris Lynn, 2008
I'm also going to do more on the Devil's Footprints. That will be available tomorrow.