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Oklahoma City Bombing The Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 was alleged to have been carried-out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols (alone...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mule Found Dead in Suitcase

A park worker made a grisly discovery when a leg popped out of a suitcase left in the park.

Apparently, a drug mule approximately 50-60 years of age died when a packet of heroin burst inside him. He was stuffed in a suitcase by party(s) unknown and left in a suburban New York park. Found inside the corpse was over 50 bags of heroin.

Police theorize fellow drug smugglers bought the suitcase and dumped the man because they did not want the drug dealers to cut open the body to retrieve the dope. "We've seen that on occasions in the past," said a police officer.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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