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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ghost Adventures Return to Wilder

Zak Bagans and the Ghost Adventures cast and crew will return to Wilder, OH and the Bobby Mackey's Music World January 20-22nd - and they want you to join them!

Ghost Adventures' frontman, Zak Bagans, will give a symposium, followed by a private Bobby Mackey concert, and then an investigation of the bar (for the second time) with those in attendance (at 3am). Tickets are $259.00.

Bagans called Bob Mackey's Music World, "...one of the most haunted places I've ever been to in my life." Tickets can be purchased online.

The OddBlog brought you a sneak-peek of the premiere episode of Ghost Adventures, which was the investigation of Bob Mackey's Music World. Zak was scratched across the back during the investigation.

The OddBlog is an official Ghost Adventures blog and brings you inside information, sneak peeks of upcoming episodes, and more every week. Ghost Adventures' season finale is coming December 5th, followed by another live chat event.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

London's Bigfoot?

Reports continue to pour in from Epping Forest, where people claim to have seen a "Bigfoot-like creature."

Earlier in November, a fitness instructor claimed to have seen a Bigfoot-like creature emerging from the wood near the Hollows Pond area of Epping Forest. On the 17th, a local paper ran an article in which a pensioner from a neighboring area claimed to have come face-to-face with a hairy creature in the middle of the street! The eyewitness was quoted as having told reporters she was "absolutely convinced" it was neither a man nor any known species of animal.

She described it as being about 4' tall with really big feet, which it used to clear a wall "with no problem" and evade her. She said it had "animal eyes."

The first witness, on a fishing trip with his father and brother, claimed to have seen a creature "about the size of a bear... with a very hairy back." He confirmed the 4' height of the unknown beast, but said it scampered off before he could get a good look at it. He remains convinced what he saw was a bear.

Park officials, of course, scoffed at the notion of anything bigger than deer or foxes.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

The Million Fax on Washington

The Million Fax on Washington is a project underway from Paradigm Research Group, asking as many people as possible to sign and fax the following letter to life the "truth embargo" on the existence of alien life on Earth:

[Note: this open letter is part of the Million Fax on Washington, a project of Paradigm Research Group.]
November 21, 2008

Dear Mr. President Elect:

On October 17, 2008 PRG published an open letter to the candidates calling for them to make preparations to end the six-decade truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This letter reiterates that request.

Your staff is now aware that letters, faxes and emails are arriving at your former Senate office and the Washington, DC transition headquarters. In general this correspondence will ask of you the following:

1) demand a full briefing from your military services and intelligence agencies regarding what they know and what they are doing about extraterrestrial related phenomena. If you are told you do not have the proper clearance for this information, replace that person with someone who has read the Constitution.

2) press for open and comprehensive congressional hearings to take testimony from scores of government witnesses who have already come forward with extraordinary evidence and are prepared to testify under oath.

3) formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence and finally end the truth embargo after 61 years.

4) make available for open development technologies which have been secretly studied and reverse engineered for decades with unlimited black budget funding. These technologies are derived from extraterrestrial vehicles and are now essential to overcome the environmental, economic and societal challenges of our time.

PRG is well aware of your intention to launch a high technology "New Deal" code named "New Apollo Project" to restore America’s economy. This massive program to subsidize green technology development, create jobs, expand the manufacturing base and reverse the trade imbalance will be likely accompanied by legislation prohibiting overseas hiring and offshore manufacturing.

All well and good, but it will not be enough. The challenges are too great and the response to these challenges too long delayed. It is essential the paradigm breaking technologies hidden in unacknowledged special access programs and sequestered behind the extraterrestrial truth embargo be included.

If you are in need of counsel to assist you in these matters, you have but to turn to your transition co-chair, John Podesta. His efforts to end the truth embargo and release all relevant government documents date back to at least 1993 and the Rockefeller Initiative. PRG believes he is fully aware of the extraterrestrial presence and is committed to creating more open, transparent governance. In this he is in sync with the chief financial backer of his Center for American Progress think tank, George Soros.

Reach out to your party's allies within the military services and intelligence agencies. When you take office conduct the necessary meetings with the cross agency committees managing the extraterrestrial presence issue. In the spring of 2009, before the truth embargo becomes your embargo, initiate the most profound event in human history and begin rebuilding the trust of the American people in their government and the standing of your country in the world.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
© C Harris Lynn, 2008

The Oceans' Waves Can Power the World

Scientists from the University of Michigan claim a new device, based on the way fish swim, is capable of generating energy from slow-moving currents - enough to effectively power the entire world! Turbines, water mills, and other, existing technologies which generate hydroelectric power rely on currents moving 5+ knots; most of the Earth's rivers and oceans move at ≤ 1 knot (or about 1 mph). Further, the new method is cheaper than even solar- and wind-generated energy!

US governmental grants paid for the research used to develop the Vivace ("vortex-induced vibrations for aquatic clean energy") system, which is a system of cylinders and springs set horizontally to the water flow. The cylinders create vortices from the flow, which propels them up and down. The energy created is then converted into electricity.

The system creates just over 50 watts in a cubic yard (meter), and this amount increases dramatically with more cylinders or faster currents. A field of cylinders about the size of a two-story home could generate enough power to run 100,000 homes, while a few stacked in a short ladder could power a single lighthouse. It would require 50x less space than current technology and cost significantly less, to boot. Further, Vivace is less harmful to the environment and aquatic fauna.

The movements harnessed with the Vivace system were first observed by Leonardo DaVinci some 500 years ago. "If we could harness 0.1 per cent of the energy in the ocean, we could support the energy needs of 15 billion people," said one scientist.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fiery Meteor Found in Canada

Earlier this month, western Canadian skies lit-up as something soared through to Earth. Now, scientists say they discovered the source of the oddity: remains of the fiery meteor were discovered near Battle River in the Saskatchewan area, near Alberta. Several fragments of the meteor were found and several thousand more fragments could be scattered over the seven-mile area.

Residents in the Canada areas of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba have been buzzing about the fiery skies on November 20th. Several reported sonic booms accompanying the display. Experts say the flash could have been seen nearly 450 miles away, even in the States. It was comparable to a 100-ton blast of TNT.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Tyke Takes Viagra to Keep Up

Viagra may now be known as the drug which "cures" impotence, but that was actually an unexpected side-effect of a drug that was being developed for heart problems.  And, for two-year-old Calvin Muteesa, Viagra is the only thing saving his life.  The toddler has to take the drug up to six times a day just to survive.

Muteesa was born with pulmonary arterial hypertension, which is actually what Viagra was developed to treat.  The rare defect causes extremely high blood-pressure, making it hard for Calvin Muteesa to breathe.  Viagra relaxes the pulmonary artery, allowing blood to flow more freely and carry more oxygen to the lungs.  Muteesa has been taking the drug since he was three months old.

Calvin Muteesa is believed to be the youngest Viagra user in the world.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Chinese Tiger Hoaxer Handed Lighter Sentence

54 year-old Zhou Zhenglong, the farmer who doctored photos of a purported South Chinese tiger to receive a sizable monetary reward from the government, received a lighter sentences on appeal. Zhenglong was originally sentenced to two years in jail for fraud and illegally possessing bullets, but had the sentence suspended. He was fined 2000 yuan and ordered to return the reward money.

Several Chinese officials were fired over the incident, as authorities charged they were aware of the hoax and released the pictures to the media to promote tourism in the economically depressed region. The OddBlog brought you the story as it unfolded.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Super Heroin

Swiss residents are getting ready to vote on whether or not they will continue a controversial drug treatment program which basically gives heroin away to long-term addicts for free. While methadone continues to be the most popular treatment for addicts, those who have been on the horse for more than 13 years (and have tried at least twice to get - and stay - clean) may be eligible for the prescription program, where they attend a clinic everyday for heroin injections.

Originally, this program (and others, such as needle exchanges) was a temporary experiment instituted to curb the rising rates of HIV and hepatitis - diseases spread by sharing needles. Now, Switzerland is set to vote on making it permanent.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

God Tells Driver to Crash Woman's Car

A driver who intentionally crashed his car into another motorist's, shutting down US Highway 281 in San Antonio yesterday, says God told him the woman was not driving properly and needed to be taken off the road.

Police say neither driver was impaired by drugs or alcohol and both suffered only minor injuries. While the driver attacked was taken to the hospital just in case, the driver of the truck which crashed into her was taken for a psychiatric examination.

Said one policeman, "God must have been with them, because any other time - the severity of this crash - it would have been a fatal."

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Measles Epidemic

Experts fear a measles epidemic is developing in Europe, thanks to the fact that fewer children are being inoculated against the virus. After a scientist suggested the measles "jab" might lead to autism in children, fewer parents had their kids treated. Now, those children are prey, not only to measles, but also rubella and mumps.

Measles is highly infectious and hard to detect before the tell-tale rash develops. It can lead to encephalitis and pneumonia, even in healthy children. While more recent studies suggest there is no link between the immunization shot and autism, immunizations have still dropped by at least 10%.

At the time of this writing, there have been almost 1050 cases of measles in England and Wales - well over the fewer than 1000 cases from last year and the largest number recorded since new testing measures were put into place in 1995.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Haunted Sofa?

Recently, a British tabloid carried this story about a couple who believes their sofa is haunted.

While most of the commenters agree the story is "rubbish," I wanted to bring it to you so you can check it out for yourself. There is an audio clip included which sounds to me like the cause of the "creaking" noise (which is actually more of a scratching noise) can be attributed either to frogs or rodents.

Still, I have only my own acumen to base this on and you can follow the link to judge for yourself.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

The Dead Power the Living

Santa Coloma de Gramanet in Spain (near Barcelona) placed nearly 500 solar panels over its cemetery. While some were at first reluctant (um, living people - the dead did not make much of a fuss), relatives of those buried there warmed to the idea following a publicity campaign. Now the city plans to expand the project and add even more panels.

As it happens, the cemetery was the best choice, as it was one of the only open, sunny places in the area. The panels generate enough power for about 60 homes. The addition of new panels will effectively triple this.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

A New Black Plague?

Taiwanese researchers made headlines this week when they noted the brown rat - the most common rat in Europe - carries the bacteria, Bartonella rochalimae, which can spread to humans. In humans, the bacteria can cause serious illnesses, from heart disease to spleen infections, and worse.

The discovery was first made when a woman who had recently traveled to Peru got an enlarged spleen. This prompted investigators to look into the matter, leading them to discover that rodents carry several strains of the Bartonella bacteria. Many of these can cause humans to suffer serious health issues. The
Bartonella rochalimae (which was among these) had not previously been discovered in rodents.

The Black Death was believed to have spread from rats to humans in the 14th-Century. It led to the death of over 75 million people. Some researchers fear this could be similar.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ghost Adventures Preview: Scotland

This week, the Ghost Adventurers are going international with a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. As always, The OddBlog has a little preview for you of the upcoming show. So grab your turkey sammiches this Friday night and tune-in to Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Truman Show Delusion

Psychiatrists worldwide are reporting a rise in the number of patients who believe their lives are actually part of some reality show and have dubbed the delusion "The Truman Show Delusion," based on the 1998 movie, The Truman Show.

While the Canadian team of Joel and Ian Gold, brothers who hold the research chair in philosophy and psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, coined the phrase, British psychiatrists call it The Truman Syndrome. At any rate, it has become apparent that a growing number of people are under the delusion their lives are part of "a charade whose entire purpose is to make me the focus of the world’s attention," to quote one of Gold's patients. The doctor said three out of five patients who suffered the delusion mentioned the movie by name.

The two are writing a book on the matter.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Slacking... Not Really

I just read an article claiming this year had a "bumper crop" of paranormal reports. While I try to stay on top of things, I have to admit, I haven't brought you a "bumper crop" of paranormal stories this year!

Because such reports are often hard to find (credible, truly "newsworthy" ones, anyway), I expanded the format a while back to include basically all "odd" stories that struck my fancy. To those ends, I feel I have brought you some good bits you might otherwise have missed. But make no mistake about it, The OddBlog is about the paranormal, the mysterious, and the Unexplained.

With everything that's been going on with me this year - medical and otherwise - I could give a list of excuses and reasons, but maybe I have dropped the ball a bit? So even though it's a tad early, I want to make this resolution: I plan to bring you more, and better, paranormal coverage in 2009.

Now that the site is to a point where I can start promoting it (there is tons more coming, but it's at least got enough content that I can actually tell people to come and check it out) and I am finally getting to see some real specialists about my Degenerative Disc Disease and all that, things are to the point where I believe I will have the time to tackle issues and subjects which require more time and effort. At any rate, I vow to at least try harder to do so, instead of backing-off (because I'm afraid of not being able to finish them).

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Cop Abuses Authority... Well, the *Whole Story* is Newsworthy

Cops are bad people. Cops abuse their authority regularly, and not just when they torture and batter "suspects," or blatantly violate others' human rights - which they do regularly. But this particular state trooper out of Maryland comes close to Decatur County, TN policemanship:

A parent volunteered to chaperone school students on a fieldtrip. One student was acting disorderly and the woman tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention before reprimanding the third-grader. The parent now faces charges of assaulting a minor and faces up to ten years in prison, should she be found guilty!

As it happens, the child's father is a state trooper. "I just reached out to tap him to 'Shush' him. That was it," says Mary Fischer. The state trooper's name is being withheld.

Like Decatur County, TN, this report brought out several similar complaints of abuse by local law enforcement agents, particularly state troopers. Contact www.policeabuse.com with your own stories of police misconduct.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Ted Haggard: Insurance Salesman

Former pastor, Ted Haggard, took the pulpit earlier this month to preach two sermons. The sermons were briefly posted on his website entitled "Alive!" but have since been removed. In them, he attributed his homosexual tendencies to having been molested in the second-grade.

Haggard made headlines nine months back when it came to light that he had been carrying on with a male prostitute and taking methamphetamine. While he denied the latter charge - saying he purchased the Dope but did not use it - he admitted to "sexual immorality," struggling with a "repulsive side," and being a "deceiver and a liar."

Originally, he was part of some investigatory team meant to restore his pastorate, but walked away. Now he is asking for another oversight hearing. Part of his terms of leaving the New Life Church (he was fired) and 30-million-strong National Association of Evangelicals was that he would not discuss his scandal publicly. However, when he relocated his family to Arizona, he sent out an e-mail, requesting financial help which came to the light of the media.

Haggard is now a "Christian" salesman. But then, that's really what he was before, isn't it?

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Official Ghost Adventures Site

I was excited to see so much traffic the past couple days and glad to know Ghost Adventures is becoming the hit I think it should be.  While The OddBlog covers Ghost Hunters regularly, and stands behind TAPS' efforts, we were contacted by Travel Channel before Ghost Adventures premiered and asked to help build the buzz.  As you can see, we receive advance trailers and other goodies every week from the good guys at Travel Channel and Ghost Adventures and pass what we can along to you.

Every week, you can find the trailer for the next episode here at The OddBlog.  You can also learn more about where the group is heading next, when DVDs are available, the scheduled times for the next live events, and more.  So I am glad you found us!  Make sure to bookmark us and check back each week for new stuff.

With that out of the way, I am spending my Sunday watching episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia online, and waiting for the season finale of True Blood.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

WIMP a Burning Stigma for 6 Year-Old

A West Virginia woman is being charged with five felony counts of abuse and maliciousness after she used a cigarette to burn the word "WIMP" into her 6 year-old daughter's neck.

According to authorities, school officials noticed the burns on the little girl's neck and asked her where they had come from. The girl explained she had tripped and fallen, which angered her 43 year-old mother. Her mother then used a cigarette to burn the word "WIMP" into the back of the girl's neck.

The child is in foster care and the woman is being held on a $50,000 bond.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Goat Claims Home

Firefighters in Idaho called for backup when a mountain goat refused to leave the backporch of a home it had previously attacked.

Apparently, the mountain goat charged the house on Thursday, tearing off the screen on the front door. It later charged the house again. Finally, it stood on the backporch and refused to budge.

While authorities stood around, perplexed as to how the situation should be handled, one enterprising firefighter picked up a stick and poked it. The goat left for the woods and has yet to be seen again.

No one was harmed and the goat suffered only minor cuts to its face.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Cute, but Not So Cuddly

20-year old Liu leapt the fence for a cuddle with a giant panda at a zoo in southern China. The panda, Yangyang - apparently frightened by the intruder - responded by biting the man on the arms and legs. "I just wanted to quote him," the student said from his hospital bed.

Zookeepers managed to calm the panda and rescue the man. Liu had ignored signs stating emphatically not to do exactly what he did.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

A two-headed kitten the owner named Quasimodo was born in Perth, Australia. A similar cat was born in Texas last February.

While both heads can purr and meow, only one can eat food, as the other has a cleft palate. The kitten suffers from a congenital birth defect, but its two siblings (there were three in the litter) were born free of defects.

Here is a link to the pic.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Massachusetts Mystery Meat

Someone has been leaving butcher-cut hunks of meat in the Town Center common of Framington, Massachusetts. Police want to know who... and why.

For the last two weeks, butcher-quality meat has shown up in the commons area of the town center, where many citizens walk their dogs. No one knows who is leaving the meat or why. Some fear for the safety of their pets, wondering if the meat is poisoned.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Exorcism vs. Schizophrenia

I do not know if this is an actual letter - that is, if there is any veracity to the claims - but it certainly is an interesting read which brings up a lot of issues regarding the paranormal vs. the medical/scientific community.

Let there be no mistaking that Schizophrenia is a very real, and devastating, mental illness. Let there also be no mistaking that many believe dæmonic influences, and even possession, to be the same. The truth is that the medications and treatments for Schizophrenia are almost completely ineffective and their side-effects are nearly worse than the disease itself. Even worse, anti-psychotic medications are incredibly powerful - and can be fatal - and should only ever be prescribed in the most extreme cases, however most practitioners give it out like it was candy. The side-effects are so horrible that many schizophrenics resist treatment; in a majority of cases, the side-effects preclude the disease itself, rendering otherwise troubled, but functioning, patients completely useless.

Exorcism, on the other hand, either works or it does not.

Really, my advice here is: why not have an exorcism? If it doesn't work, what are you out? While anti-psychotic medications can kill you - or (possibly worse, depending on your POV) destroy your life completely - an exorcism might be a waste of a few hours. At the very best, it might even work!

I do not personally believe all Schizophrenics suffer from dæmonic possession or influence, but I also do not believe all people diagnosed with Schizophrenia actually suffer from the mental disease. In fact, many industrialized countries have dropped the classification entirely. I am not even fully convinced that dæmonic possession itself is real.

But I do know that faith and belief are powerful things. While the author of this letter (assuming it is real) might not believe in such things, many do; no one knows what causes Schizophrenia, so why not subject believers to an exorcism? If Schizophrenia can be caused by emotional misinformation, perhaps a fervent belief in exorcism as a cure could work along the same lines to right that wrong?

Anti-psychotic drug treatment should always be the very last resort, excepting extreme cases.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

It's NOT a Tumah!

Phoenix-area neurosurgeons were pleasantly surprised to discover a woman's blurred vision and arm numbness was not being caused by a tumor on or near her brain stem. It was being caused by a worm!

Apparently, worms of this type are not completely unheard-of. They can be contracted by eating undercooked pork or even passed along by people with bad hygiene. People who do not wash their hands after using the restroom can expose others, some of whom will develop a worm... in their brain!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Ghost Adventures - Northern New Jersey Asylum Preview

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

DNA Evidence May Prove King Alive, Not Doing so Well

A Cleveland doctor who claimed Elvis Presley (the "King of Rock n Roll") was alive and he was treating him may now have DNA evidence to back-up his claim.

According to FOX News, Kansas City-based doctor, Donald Henton, claims he has been treating a patient who is actually the King, himself.  He has been using his deceased brother's name.  The man at the center of the controversy claims he faked his death with the help of his manager and that Priscilla Presley has known all along.

The doctor has presented at least one photograph of the man he claims is Elvis Presley, now known as "Jessie." Reporter, Suzanne Stratford, obtained DNA from Presley's autopsy, a Nashville-based friend, and a tissue sample taken when Elvis was alive.  None of the three matched.  Further, none of them matched the DNA sample "Jessie" provided.

In an even more bizarre twist, 46 year-old Eliza Presley (who recently changed her name from Alice Elizabeth Tiffin) popped-up out of the blue, claiming to be the daughter of Elvis' father, Vernon - making her Elvis' half-sister.  She told a Memphis, TN probate court she based her claim partially on a DNA sample sent her by this same "Jessie."  But while Eliza's mother, still alive, admits she was part of Elvis' social circle for a while, she denies ever having a child by him or his father.

A Scottsdale, AZ lab technician compared the DNA from "Jessie" and Eliza to that of a known living cousin of Elvis Presley's and declared them a match.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Turtle Missing Link Discovered

The earliest turtles known to live in the water have been discovered on the Scottish isle of Skye.

Fossils of the 164-million year-old Eileanchelys waldmani were discovered embedded in rock on the Scottish isle of Skye in the bay of Cladach a'Ghlinne. The discovery included four complete turtles, as well as remains from at least two others. These are the most complete specimens from the Middle Jurassic period to-date.

The Eileanchelys waldmani is believed to be the "missing link" between ancient and modern turtles. The remains are being housed at the National Museums Scotland at Edinburgh.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Recent Atrocities Against Albinos in Africa

As regular readers know, The OddBlog has been following the plight of albinos in Africa almost as long as we have been here (at this address). As more of the world and news agencies are becoming aware of the issue, more incidents are being reported. This weekend alone highlights the immediacy of the situation, with no fewer than three separate reports of abuse, death, and dismemberment coming to light.

As we continue to report, some 30 albinos have been murdered and dismembered in 2008 alone. The savages of the area believe albinos' body parts, hair, and blood to be useful ingredients in Occult rituals based loosely on witchcraft (not Wicca), while others believe albinos to be witches themselves. Many are killed at birth. These belief stems from charlatan witchdoctors of the region, who use the body parts in rituals purported to make the beneficiary rich. Tanzania is the epicenter of this holocaust, though it is spreading to the neighboring Congo and Burundi regions.

Even the president of the Tanzanian region was quoted as saying, "It is utterly stupid for some people to believe that albinos have magic powers and their parts can make them rich," while speaking at a recent Tanzanian Albino Society (TAS) rally. He called for more education to help cull the genocide.

According to a 2002 census, there are about 150k albinos in the region. Some 8,000 are registered with the TAS. The TAS and others claim the actual number of albinos in the region is higher and a census is underway to find out.

In the first report, a man was arrested for trying to sell his albino wife to Congolese traders in Tanzania. Notoriously corrupt, Tanzanian cops have been bought-off to ignore the plight of the albinos. Almost none of the traders, murderers, and traffickers have ever been caught or convicted. In this case, though the husband was arrested, the traders somehow managed to escape. In other cases where arrests have been made, the accused almost always manage somehow to slip away.

Last Friday, two mothers were hacked with machetes by gangs who were trying to get their albino children. The gangs did not find the children and the women are under medical care, recovering from their wounds. Again, none of the attackers have been brought to justice; local police claim they fled the area and a manhunt is underway, but no further information has come to light.

This morning brings yet another heartbreaking report: a six-year old girl was found dismembered in Burundi. Attacked on Sunday, the girl's limbs and head were missing. She is the sixth victim discovered so far from the region. Armed attackers broke into the family's home, bound the parents, and shot the baby point-blank in the head. The family has been part of a group of around 50 albinos who had fled the region, fearing for their daughter's safety.

Last week, a 10-year old albino girl was killed.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Ugh! I am one of those people who lives under Murphy's Law. I don't mean I live by Murphy's Law, I mean I live beneath it: it rules my very existence.

I slaved the XP drive to get my old data off there. Great, fine, good - right? Not exactly. The CD drive is no longer being recognized, so I'm having to work without it. Further, there are all sorts of permission problems getting things out of My Documents and I have yet to find a solution. So while I intended on just pulling the stuff from that drive to the new one, I now have to discover a way of actually getting into it all, then disconnect it, on and on.

Anyway, we'll get it done.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Not a Leg to Stand On

David Thorne was short the $233.00 he needed for a payment. Ever-enterprising, he instead submitted a drawing of a spider in lieu of cash. The exchange which followed is truly worth bookmarking.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Swedish Parliament Spanks School

Sometime back, we brought you the odd - and aggressively politically-correct - story about a school which confiscated an 8-year old boy's birthday invitations when he didn't invite everyone. Now, Swedish Parliament has gotten involved!

The Parliament reprimanded the school, noting its interference was unnecessary and the ombudsman had overstepped his authority. However, they added the school would not be sanctioned.

Ombudsmen are chosen by Parliament to ensure public authorities and staff comply with laws and statues.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Sneak Peek: Ghost Adventures at the Sloss Furnace!

I really love our relationship with the Travel Channel and Ghost Adventures. I can safely say it has entered the top echelon of paranormal reality TV, as far as I'm concerned. Further, last week's episode laid to rest a lot of the claims opponents had made as to their "uncanny" ability to always uncover holy grails (full-body apparitions, apparent contact, etc.).

One of the things I love most about our relationship is that we get advance teasers for the show every week - and every week, I rush to share them with you! So, without further ado, the trailer for tomorrow night's episode, where Zak and crew get locked down at the infamous Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama:

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Tequila Turned Into Diamonds

Scientists from Mexico claim physicists there have discovered a way to make diamonds out of tequila. While too small to be made into jewelry, the synthetic diamonds may have many industrial uses.

The process involves vaporizing the tequila, then heating the gases even further, creating diamond crystals. These can only be seen under a microscope. Some practical uses include silicon chips and surgical devices. Even more promising, even the cheapest tequila works.

American women have been using tequila to get diamonds for years.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Return of UFO Hunters

Sometime back, we brought you the drama surrounding History Channel and Sci-Fi Channel and two reality shows both networks wanted to title UFO Hunters. While the post detailing that explains it in full, the rundown is simple enough: both networks had reality shows they wanted to name UFO Hunters and both rushed them to air in order to bolster their claims in court, should it get that far. Ever intrepid, The OddBlog viewed and reviewed both shows and declared History Channel the winner (based on quality, alone).

Tonight, History Channel's UFO Hunters returns, featuring an account of orange fireballs sighted in Indiana this past April. The events featured loud noises (likely sonic booms), several independent eyewitnesses, and verified by other records.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Machu Picchu Offered to Obamas

Claudia Galvez, director of the Friends of the Peruvian Hairless Dog Association, has a 4-month old she's calling Ears, but says she will rename it Machu Picchu and give it to President-Elect Barack Obama and his family -- if they will have it.

In his acceptance speech, Obama told his daughters that they would be getting "that dog they wanted."  The problem, he later explained, is that 10-year old Malia is allergic to most breeds.  The Peruvian Hairless Dog, a 3000+ year-old breed, does not cause allergic reactions in most people, according to the lore surrounding them.

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is not only hairless but often toothless, and is depicted on ancient Peruvian pottery and ceramics.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Church Stolen

The Church of Christ's Resurrection, in Komarovo, Russia, has disappeared! According to a spokesman, the thief(s) stole it brick by brick.

The church is in a remote area and is only visited by clergymen, so the theft was not immediately noticed. However, a report has been filed, which the clergymen believe will show who committed the crime.

The Church of Christ's Resurrection was built in 1809. While it was not in use, a recent survey showed it to be structurally sound and the diocese had been considering reopening it for services. The foundation still remains.

Apparently, this is no isolated case, as religious accoutrement fetch high prices and the materials are used to build other structures. "This is not an isolated case. In many villages in central Russia, sites of historical interest are being dismantled," said spokesman, Father Vitaly.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008


FEMA Aliens
FEMA Aliens
According to some sources, it appears the FEMA manual details not only how authorities should handle such threats as tornadoes and hurricanes -- but also UFOs!

The manual apparently explains what FEMA officers should do in the case of UFO crashes, including how to handle injured aliens.  The accompanying pictures [removed by parties unknown, but replaced - ed., 2018] are said to be from the FEMA Firefighters' Manual.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

UPDATE:  Pics found online were replaced after having been removed by parties unknown (Google, Ltd.). - 2018

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Squirrel/Skunk Fu

Piebald Squirrel - Copyright, Kevin LoaderThis little guy appeared Thanksgiving Day, scavenging for scraps beneath the birdfeeders at a Canadian couple's house. They tried to get a picture of it but it was too fast for them. Finally, one Kevin Loader (husband to their niece) managed to snap a couple of good shots of what they first thought might have been some kind of skunk/squirrel crossbreed.

Actually, the critter is most likely what is known as a "piebald" squirrel. Most frequently seen in horses, pretty much any animal can be a piebald, which just means it has black and white fur.

Picture by Kevin Loader, cribbed from The Record.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ghost Adventures Live Chat Embed

Dutch End Unfit Mothers' Rights

A bill before Dutch Parliament would force mothers deemed "unfit" to take contraception. If they refuse and become impregnated, their child will be seized and turned-over to foster care.

While the bill is lauded for its applications to child abusers, some are worried about the ramifications it would have on disabled mothers and their right to bear children. But according to teh draft, no woman would be put on contraception prior to the birth of her first child.

Other opponents claim the bill would damage women's rights in the Netherlands, as there is no similar legislation for unfit fathers.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Foxy Jogger

An Arizona woman was out for a jog when she encountered a fox. She claims it made eye contact with her and began approaching. "That's when I knew something was really wrong."

Michelle Felicetta tried to back-away, but the fox leapt and clamped-down on her arm. At first, she fought it but, realizing she needed the animal for testing, she grabbed it by the throat and jogged a mile to her car, where she managed to wrest its jaws apart and throw it in the trunk. The fox later bit an animal controls officer. Both will undergo a series of treatments.

Most animals will not approach or attack humans or larger animals; rabid animals will.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Walt Disney: Lemming Killer

Most of us have heard that lemmings, the small rodent, commit mass suicide; I would imagine most of us believed they do (I did - had no reason not to). But as it turns out, this urban legend is the fault of none other than Walt Disney Studios, who intentionally murdered dozens of lemmings in their Oscar-winning 1958 documentary, White Wilderness.

Apparently, the Disney filmmakers threw the lemmings over a cliffside and filmed them drowning, thus creating/cementing the myth for generations to come! Even more... impressive (?) - certainly more disturbing - the scenes involving the lemmings were created using careful editing, lighting, and "a few dozen lemmings running on snow covered lazy-Susan style turntable." This, according to a 1983 CBC investigation by Brian Vallee.

Of course, some scenes in nature documentaries are "faked" - "helped"-along by various tricks of the trade, such as using trained animals to simulate certain behavior or the like - but literally creating such a myth is basically unheard-of.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Sorry. You may have noticed the last post that was here was removed. There was nothing wrong with it, it just did not go here... apparently. I was away most of the day to a doctor's appointment and there are several more coming up in the next few weeks, but it should not affect us too badly. The problem will be if I have to have yet another surgery. But we'll take that as it comes.

Anyway, there will likely be something coming later tonight, this has just been bill-paying time and all such as that and I have been busy running-around the last week or two. We'll get some more coming your way shortly!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ghost Hunters: College Edition

Ghost Hunters Academy
Ghost Hunters Academy
It's true: the Sci-Fi Channel has given the greenlight to yet another Ghost Hunters spin-off. In this one, college students interested in parapsychology will join professionals to investigate paranormal happenings worldwide. Crossovers between the shows are basically guaranteed.

Tonight is the Reveal of the Live show. I watched all but the last hour or so and, unfortunately, the only truly interesting thing that happened was the voice which we all heard clearly toward the beginning of the show.

The way Jason acted made me think it was faked.

Now, I understand that this is TV; I know all about ratings, and understand that many consider Ghost Hunters (and other paranormal-related shows) to be little more than entertainment, but Ghost Hunters has remained at the forefront of its niche specifically because it does not resort to cheap tricks. Jason's face was so strained, his attitude toward the phenomenon so reserved, that I got the very clear impression that someone had suggested "starting the show off with a bang," and went ahead with it -- whether or not Jason was down with the idea.

But both Jason and Grant voiced their frustration with the constant Sci-Fi plugs, especially the more the night wore-on. I would have no problem believing some dipshit Sci-Fi executive planted the whole thing just to keep people tuned-in. After all, nothing else happened the entire night... except plug after plug for other Sci-Fi shows.

I sincerely hope this is not the case, but I will be watching all the same. And let me just say that, should it turn out to have gone down this way, I do not believe it discredits the show, the team, or anything else aside from that single phenomenon.

Maybe we will find out tonight -- at the very least, a little more light will be shed on the situation.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Today

Yes, I will be gone for a while today so I can fulfill my civic duty. I hope all of you are able to make it to the polls and cast your own vote today.

I hope everything goes through fine, but to be honest, I cannot find my "voter registration card" they sent me like 2-3 years ago. It does not fit in my wallet, so I pulled it out and placed it... somewhere. Not a very good system, if you ask me, though I hope they have my information at the poll. They should, right?

Anyway, I will be away to do that, but since this is such a small county and the early voter turn-out was so large, I do not expect it to take very long.

Hope to see you soon!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Meth + Gun + Hallowe'en = Murder

According to South Carolina authorities, a 22-year old, convicted felon has been arrested and charged with murder and assault and battery with intent to kill after firing on a family of trick-or-treaters.

12-year old T.J. Darrisaw, his brother, and father, were all shot when 22-year old Quentin Patrick fired over 30 rounds at them from inside his house Hallowe'en night after they approached his door. The father and brother were treated and released, but T.J. died from his wounds Friday night. Patrick told authorities he had been robbed and shot in the past, which is why he unloaded his assault rifle on the innocent family of trick-or-treaters.

The family had been at a Hallowe'en party and stopped at the home because the light was on.

Our sincerest condolences go to the family and friends.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

There is No Hell

A Saskatoon firefighter turned author has written a book, explaining to Christians and scholars where the concept of Hell came from.

Six years ago, Jim Brayshaw began questioning his faith and particularly the concept of Hell as a physical plane. According to him, his church officials told him not to discuss the matter with them or the rest of the congregation. However, he did speak to some, and he did write the book - all of which led to his receiving a registered letter asking him not to return to the church without a written invitation from the preacher. Church officials dispute this particular series of events, though admit he is only allowed back in church conditionally.

According to Brayshaw's book, Hell is based on the Greek myth of Tartarus, a subterranean world of fire where unsavory souls went to be punished when they died. The imagery was more specifically based on the "garbage heaps" of Gehenna, which lay outside Jerusalem. That is where the bodies of criminals were burned and it often became an actual "lake of fire."

Satan is from the Hebrew word "sawtawn," which actually means "adversary" or "accuser." In the Old Testament, Satan was a minor figure who was actually a part of God's court. It was not until the New Testament that the figure became more prominent. Still, many argue his role is misconstrued by poor interpretation: the figure is meant more as a "prosecutor," of sorts, who tests peoples' faiths and illuminates their sins.

While many have branded him a heretic, Brayshaw's research is backed-up by scholarly knowledge, leading many less zealous (and far more knowledgeable) people to support his findings.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

The Axeman

Officials in Vancouver are searching for an unidentified man who attacked two strangers with a hatchet Saturday.

One man believes the suspect may have followed him from a convenience store before attacking him at a bus stop. The second victim saw the attack and rushed to help, being injured in the process. One suffered a severe skull fracture and is in intensive care; the other suffered only minor wounds to the head and neck.

The suspect fled the scene. Authorities do not know what may have led to the attack.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back Again

Okay guys, I am actually back and things will start getting back on their regular schedule this week.

As you know, I had to slow down for a while across the boards while I worked on the website. I had a slew of content to release this Halloween and I did exactly that! There is still much more to come, but now that I am somewhat caught-up, I can begin releasing it as I finish it. This means you will need to keep checking back, though I will make announcements as I publish major departments and the like.

I hope you enjoyed your Halloween holiday - I know I did (even if I did have to work the entire time). I have several doctors' appointments coming up, as well as at least one more surgery. Add this to the upcoming holidays, and you can surmise that things will be slow here and there, but by and large, we're back on-track.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008